GF Water Foundation - Uganda

GF Water Foundation

We help making the lives of vulnerable people around the world better by leveraging our abilities in sustainability and innovation to build human and community resilience.

The GF Water Foundation was established in the Canton of Schaffhausen in 2002. In that year, GF shareholders waived their bicentenary dividend to create the foundation aimed at improving lives through development projects worldwide. Since then, the GF Water Foundation has been focusing on water supply projects in over 50 countries and invested around CHF 14 million to improve the lives of more than 400’000 people. 

GF Walk for Water 2024: Moving water - making impact

For the third consecutive year, GF will hold Walk for Water 2024, a global initiative across divisions and locations to support universal access to safe water.

Find out more here

GF Water Foundation

To learn more about the GF Water Foundation´s work and team, please visit our website.