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- In the opening speech, CEO Andreas Müller spoke about current megatrends and the high innovativeness of GF.
- CFO Mads Joergensen emphasized the importance of sustainable solutions in all three divisions.
- In the guided tour through the recently opened innovation and production center in Biel/Bienne,...
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- the visitors gained an insight into the production processes at GF Machining Solutions.
- At the GF Machining Solutions exhibit, Andreas Rauch, Head of Digital Business, talked about smart manufacturing methods and Additive Manufacturing.
- GF Casting Solutions presented new lightweight components for the aviation and energy sectors as well as structural parts made of aluminum and magnesium for electric and hybrid cars.
- Sandra Schiller, Head of Global Product Management Industry, showed the visitors the innovations of GF Piping Systems, for example smart valves in piping systems.
- At the end of the Capital Market Day, students from various Swiss universities had the chance to participate in the presentations of the divisions and a tour through the innovation and production center.